Saturday, April 7, 2012

Something I've Learned this Week

So... Something I've learned this week is that I am not a very good public speaking. At least in the school setting.  Give me a sacrament talk? No problem. Make me stand up in front of people for a grade? Gross... So as I was thinking about this, I started thinking about when I took piano lessons as a child, and how public speaking and piano lessons are somewhat similar for me... When I took lessons, I could practice all I wanted and it would be great. I wouldn't mess up, and things sounded great! Then came the dreaded recital... Put me in front of people and I mess up all over the place. Such it is with me at public speaking. I can practice my speech before hand with no hitches. However, when it comes time to present, I'm a nervous wreck... I don't feel very confident in my abilities in voicing my opinion, and if I don't talk a lot around big groups of people (or even small groups of people), it's generally because I never feel like I have much to say that hasn't already been said that could add to the conversation. Even in writing this blog I am hesitant because I read other blogs were people write really well. But you know what? I'm okay with that. Some people can write well, and some people are just listeners, and that's a great skill to have too I think. There are always people out there who need someone to just listen to them and not give advice. So, even if I'm not good at talking in public... I'm REALLY good at listening in public! :)

Anyway, on the brighter side of things, the thing that has been pulling me through these last few weeks of school is that fact that I'm getting married in 20 days to the most amazing man ever! SOOO stoked!!! In 2 weeks, I won't have to think about school. I'll be in the car, on the way to Vegas, getting even more excited for life and the things that lay ahead. So, once the dread of finals are over, life is going to be good :)

Just some final thoughts. Tomorrow is Easter. I know for many, the first images that come to mind may be bunnies, or eggs, or candy, or baskets, or pretty colors, or various other fun things. However, I encourage everyone to remember the most important thing, the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

I KNOW that My Redeemer Lives.

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